Practice Labs is an IT competency hub – supporting IT certification, work readiness, skill development and career progression

Our hands-on Practice Labs and Exam Preps allow users to:

  • Practice IT within a safe, live-lab environment.
  • Prove IT skills to assessors and employers.
  • Do IT to build confidence and gain mastery.

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Our solution

The Practice Labs solution consists of live (not simulated) IT Practice Labs and Exam Preps, aligned with course content and/or certifications from 20+ leading vendors, including Cisco, CompTIA, Microsoft, Oracle and VMware.

Find out how our solution works

Our partners

Leading publishers and online learning providers such as McGraw-Hill, SkillSoft and the British Computer Society, partner with Practice Labs to add our live-labs to their training content.

Find out more about our partners

Supporting education

Universities, colleges and schools use the Practice Labs solution to reinforce their IT courses with live, hands-on practical experience – preparing students for certification and increasing employability.

Find out how we work with educators

Supporting businesses

Businesses use the Practice Labs solution to extend the skills of new IT recruits without compromising business-critical systems and to help their IT teams keep up with the pace of change.

Find out how we support businesses

Supporting the public sector

Public sector organisations in the US, the UK and South East Asia use the Practice Labs solution to help re-skill former offenders and ex-service personnel as they look to forge new IT careers.

Find out how we help public sector organisations

Supporting individuals

Individuals use the Practice Labs solution to keep their IT skills up to speed with the latest software releases, prepare for IT certification, increase their cybersecurity awareness, learn about ethical hacking and practice pen testing techniques, and familiarise themselves with Red Team Blue Team attack/defend tactics.

Find out how we support individuals
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